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Carbimazole in women of childbearing age

As for the valproate fact sheet this information on carbimazole taken for over active thyroid is included so that women who may become pregnant are aware of potential risks .


This factsheet gives further information

carbimazole and pregnancy

Valproate and pregnancy

I know that this page is about breastfeeding and medication but I think that is important to share this too. I started writing it for another organisation a year ago but it hasnt gone anywhere so now it is here.

Anyone who is on sodium valproate (Epilim) should be taking adequate contraceptive protection

https://www.fsrh.org/news/mhra-contraception-drugs-birth-defects-fsrh-guidance/ .

It could be for epilepsy or it could be as a mood stabiliser but it is essential that you do not become pregnant. This factsheet explains why

valproate in pregnancy

Diabetes and Breastfeeding

Another information sheet for chronic conditions in breastfeeding mothers which now forms part of the book Chronic Medical Conditions and Breastfeeding available on Amazon as a kindle or paperback book


Diabetes and Breastfeeding factsheet

If this is useful in your work maybe you should buy Breastfeeding and Medication or A guide to breastfeeding for the medical professional

Email me at wendy@breastfeeding-and-medication.co.uk

A Guide To Supporting Breastfeeding For The Medical Profession, Amy Brown and Wendy Jones
Breastfeeding and Chronic Medical Conditions, Wendy Jones

Anxiety and Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

Currently we are all anxious – Covid-19 is changing everything so rapidly and life is uncertain in so many aspects. On the drugs in breastmilk service we are receiving lots of queries about natural remedies for anxiety – Bach flower remedy, Kalms etc – and lots of supplements believed to have powers to protect. These queries are hard to deal with. Sometimes we have anecdotal information but rarely evidence that these are compatible with breastfeeding. It is hard for us to say we don’t know but we hope you understand why we can’t help.

Other ways to deal with anxiety

  • Anxiety UK launched a You Tube on living with uncertainty – shorturl.at/qEIL8
  • Headspace has a module on anxiety which may help you ground yourself by listening to your breathing.
  • There are online CBT modules listed https://www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk/anxiety/ and much sensible information.
  • Talk to others and share your anxiety but don’t dwell on it. Most people will develop only mild symptoms.

If I had one thing to share it would be – stay off social media which will probably fuel your anxiety. Listen to the news but not too often. We are in this situation for the long haul sadly and anxiety is exhausting. Enjoy every moment with your baby, value the oxytocin, watch your baby and not your phone. Sadly, there is no magic wand to relieve the anxiety and what-ifs just now. Life is changing daily.  

  • Do wash your hands with soap and water often –for at least 20 seconds
  • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work or after going outside the house
  • Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze or sneeze into your elbow (but change clothes as soon as possible).
  • Dispose of used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
  • Avoid close contact with people who are unwell
  • If you or a member of your family develop a fever or sudden onset cough self-isolate for 14 days and take paracetamol (ibuprofen currently not recommended although evidence of risk is low self help treatment coronovirus)

Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. There is no need to stop breastfeeding UNICEF and Covid 19, ABM statement on coronovirus 2019,

Keep an eye on the Public Health England information which us updated regularly.

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding – facebook live

This presentation should have been given at BfN Portsmouth study day but recorded as Facebook Live because of Coronavirus ( I am immunocompromised due to my own meds for IBD ). Hope it proves useful to share.

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding

Posted by Breastfeeding and Medication on Saturday, March 14, 2020

I have attached the slides of the powerpoint below and the link to the Facebook page Breastfeeding and IBD https://www.facebook.com/groups/BreastfeedingIBD/

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding powerpoint

Pharmacokinetics and Passage of Drugs into Breastmilk

This is a set of slides I use in many of my current presentations. It also forms the backbone of most decision making. I hope it helps increase your education. If you wish please email me wendy@breastfeeding-and-medication.co.uk

Pharmacokinetics of the passage of drugs into breastmilk training powerpoint

If you found this useful, maybe you need to buy the book – a good investment !

Pharmacists and breastfeeding training powerpoint

This is a presentation based on one I deliver to second year pharmacy undergraduate students at Portsmouth University. Hope that it forms the basis of knowledge of why pharmacists should promote and support breastfeeding. Any queries please email me wendy@breastfeeding-and-medication.co.uk . I’m always open to lecturing opportunities

Pharmacists and breastfeeding training powerpoint

If you find this useful, how about buying the book?

Candida (thrush) on the breast of breastfeeding mother training powerpoint

This is the presentation I have given most frequently since I co-authored the first thrush leaflet back in around 1999. I hope this helps some of the mis information eg it can be on one breast, thrush means painful feeds, all white tongues in babies are thrush

If you have any questions pleas email wendy@breastfeeding-and-medication.co.uk

Thrush and breastfeeding training powerpoint

Mastitis and Breastfeeding

This is one of the presentations I have given most frequently over the last 20 years since I co wrote the first leaflet for BfN. One of the most common complications of breastfeeding but so little understood. I hope this helps the onging learning of professionals, peer supporters and all those supporting breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding and Mastitis Training

Raynaud’s Phenomenon and Breastfeeding Training

I am uploading most of the presentations that I have given over the years as training material for others to use as continued professional development.

If you have any queries pleas email wendy@breastfeeding-and-medication.co.uk. Please consider buying my book if you find this useful

Raynauds and Breastfeeding training

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