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Monthly Archives: April 2018

How to make an informed decision about drugs that you might be taking while planning a pregnancy

drugs in pregnancy 2 factsheet

Why Mothers Medication Matters, Wendy Jones

Lupus, hydroxychloroquine and breastfeeding

It seems that many more women with chronic illnesses are having babies and breastfeeding. I have

included a chapter in the second edition of Breastfeeding and Medication on this. This fact sheet on lupus and hydroxychloroquine whilst breastfeeding is taken from the book, published May 2018

Lupus, hydroxychloroquine and breastfeeding

Tranexamic acid to treat heavy periods experienced by breastfeeding mothers

One of the advantages of breastfeeding is that for many it may be months or even years before menstrual bleeding returns regularly. However, some mothers do experience heavy flow which needs to be treated. Tranexamic acid is usually the drug of choice at a dose of 1 g 3 times a day for up to 4 days, to be initiated when menstruation has started; maximum 4 g per day (BNF 2018). Mothers can continue to breastfeed as normal. There is one reported case of restless in the baby in a study of 21 mothers but in general it seems anecdotally, to cause few problems.

tranexamic acid and breastfeeding factsheet

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