Diabetes and Breastfeeding
Another information sheet for chronic conditions in breastfeeding mothers which now forms part of the book Chronic Medical Conditions and Breastfeeding available on Amazon as a kindle or paperback book
Diabetes and Breastfeeding factsheet
If this is useful in your work maybe you should buy Breastfeeding and Medication or A guide to breastfeeding for the medical professional
Email me at wendy@breastfeeding-and-medication.co.uk

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding – facebook live
This presentation should have been given at BfN Portsmouth study day but recorded as Facebook Live because of Coronavirus ( I am immunocompromised due to my own meds for IBD ). Hope it proves useful to share.
I have attached the slides of the powerpoint below and the link to the Facebook page Breastfeeding and IBD https://www.facebook.com/groups/BreastfeedingIBD/