- I am currently loading the presentations I have given over the years rather than travel and in the hope that I can reach more people
Training powerpoints added:
Raynaud’s Phenomenon and Breastfeeding Training
Mastitis and Breastfeeding
Candida (thrush) on the breast of breastfeeding mother training powerpoint
Breastfeeding for Pharmacists (aimed at counter assistant training)
Training for Pharmacists 2 (the most frequently prescribed meds)
Pharmacists and breastfeeding training powerpoint ( as delivered to undergrads)
Prescribing during breastfeeding for midwives
Dental Health and Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding for Professionals – CPD
Breastfeeding and anaesthetics the role of the health visitor Powerpoint Training
What would mothers like their healthcare team to know about IBD and breastfeeding?
If you are interested in having training for your group on a specific or topic please contact me. Contributions to my costs valued but not essential. I am more interested in making sure professionals have information on the compatibility of medication and breastfeeding.