I saved this presentation to share during UK Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week which is this week. It is a presentation which I have on my last study day on my birthday this year. I hope it covers many of the things I have tried to pass on over the years.
I also post it today in honour of my daughter who is a CBT therapist and has helped me learn so much along my own journey into understanding mental health. She gave birth to a gorgeous, if tiny, little girl this morning – my sixth grandchild who I cannot see in person during this crazy, demanding time in our lives. I think the COVID-19 pandemic has played with the minds of many of us.
I hope this presentation helps with CPD and I am happy to answer any questions via email wendy@breastfeeding-and-medication.co uk.
Mental health in pregnancy and breastfeeding powerpoint
If it is useful there are 2 books you might find valuable.