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The truth about Breastfeeding and Medication

A podcast recorded with Boobingit and pharmacist Sarah Robinson https://boobingit.com/the-truth-about-breastfeeding-medication-with-sarah-robinson-and-dr-wendy-jones


You Tube

I’ve have been adding presentations on YouTube so that they are available for professional CPD whenever you are free and also to help families where the written word is less accessible. Forgive my my tech skills arent perfect ( but I’m learning) . More videos to come. If there is one you would like to request mail me wendy@breastfeeding-and-medication.co.uk

Breastfeeding and Medication You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxvkXp8oV-zMqcpWTsnULow

Perinatal mental health and Breastfeeding

I have recorded the presentation which I have frequently given about perinatal mental health and breastfeeding. It should be used after listening to ” How drugs get into milk”

How do drugs get into breastmilk?

as it contains the pharmacokinetic data of drugs prescribed for perinatal mental health including SSRIs, anti anxiety medication and anti psychotics. It also includes research studies about the links between mental health and breastfeeding.

I hope this may increase prescriber’s knowledge as well as empower peer supporters and parents.


How do drugs get into breastmilk?

I have recorded this powerpoint to help everyone understand how drugs pas into milk and by appreciating this how we can evaluate the information within specialist sources. I hope it is useful CPD for professionals. The information is in all my books if you want to read more.

If you have a question please message me


A Guide To Supporting Breastfeeding For The Medical Profession, Amy Brown and Wendy Jones
Breastfeeding and Chronic Medical Conditions, Wendy Jones

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding – facebook live

This presentation should have been given at BfN Portsmouth study day but recorded as Facebook Live because of Coronavirus ( I am immunocompromised due to my own meds for IBD ). Hope it proves useful to share.

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding

Posted by Breastfeeding and Medication on Saturday, March 14, 2020

I have attached the slides of the powerpoint below and the link to the Facebook page Breastfeeding and IBD https://www.facebook.com/groups/BreastfeedingIBD/

Inflammatory bowel disease and breastfeeding powerpoint

Perinatal mental health and breastfeeding

watch the live Facebook video facebook live video https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=314&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FPerinatalMHPartnershipUK%2Fvideos%2F614488795409027%2F&show_text=false&width=560

Mental health and Breastfeeding Facebook Live Video

Recorded Facebook live for Perinatal Mental Health Partnership this week

Treating coughs. colds and sore throat in the breastfeeding mum facebook live video

Every year there are many questions on coughs, colds and sore throat so thought I would pre-empt them this year by recording a live video as well as the links and fact sheets

Hope everyone has a healthy winter !

Treating coughs colds and sore throats in the breastfeeding mother

cough and cold remedies and breastfeeding 2018

sore throat and breastfeeding 2018

Treating coughs, colds and sore throats in the breastfeeding mother

Lots of coughs and colds starting already so some information to pre-empt the questions which come every year

Posted by Breastfeeding and Medication on Thursday, September 13, 2018
Breastfeeding and Chronic Medical Conditions, Wendy Jones

Evidence based information for GPs and breastfeeding and medication video

I’ve been searching back through my files and finally found a link to a training webinar I delivered for GPs in 2016. Hope maybe it is useful for education. Always happy to deliver a training session for expenses and a small fee


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